For Research Use Only. Not intended for diagnostic purposes
Fire Monkey extracts high molecular weight DNA from bacterial and mammalian cells within one hour.
Fire Monkey is a rapid and user-friendly spin-column nucleic acid isolation and purification kit. It extracts pure high molecular weight DNA and RNA from a cell sample with an average length of 100,000 base pairs or more, incorporating a simultaneous size depletion function that reduces the amount of smaller DNA fragments present in the final extract.
Longer starting DNA is essential to long-read DNA sequencing and long-range PCR.
Fire Flower size selection protocol removes shorter DNA fragments from an extracted starting sample.
Fire Flower’s friendly spin-column size-selection protocol option that uses some of the Fire Monkey kit components. This size-selection protocol removes many of the smaller DNA fragments and can be performed on any DNA sample regardless of the extraction method used to produce the sample. Fire Flower is a 15 minute process that depletes DNA fragments under 10kb and improves the molecular ratio of any sample.
The product of a Fire Flower size selection procedure can be processed by any sequencing technology.
RevoluGen has developed and validated an automated protocol for Fire Monkey/Fire Flower. The automated protocal uses a multi-well filter plate format that enables high volume throughput and multiplexed hands-free HMW-DNA extraction. The commercial launch of this automated Fire Monkey/ Fire Flower is anticipated soon. To become a test site or to discuss automated applications, get in touch
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