Extracting from Plants?
The Nanobind Plant Nuclei Big DNA Kit is designed for rapid extraction of really big DNA from plant nuclei.
Our Nanobind magnetic disks use nanostructured silica to protect DNA from shearing and facilitate washing to generate the largest and cleanest DNA for long-read sequencing and optical mapping.
First, nuclei are isolated from 1–5 g of plant tissue using one of the recommended nuclei isolation protocols. Then, HMW DNA is extracted from the nuclei using Nanobind disks. Each of the two purification steps (i.e. nuclei isolation + Nanobind extraction) removes different contaminants from the sample, resulting in clean, HMW DNA from even the most challenging plant species.
It’s been internally tested on an array of plant species using Oxford Nanopore and PacBio sequencing. In addition, customers have sequenced a growing variety of plants such as lettuce, tomato, peppers, brassica, lavender, wheat, celery, grape, and maize.
For these plant types, big DNA (up to 300+ kb) can be obtained in <1 hour from the nuclei pellet stage.
Typical yields are 5 ug – 20+ ug per extraction depending on input
See our publications page for latest results.
We will make every effort to help you get big DNA!
1) Proteinase K, 2) RNase A, 3) PL1 Nuclei Lysis Buffer, 4) PW1 Wash Buffer, 5) EB Elution Buffer, and 6) 20x MagNanobind Disks.
20 extractions per kit.
Nanobind Plant Nuclei Big DNA Kit Handbook
See Nanobind Support page for full list.
Application Notes
All Kits are Guaranteed for 1 Year from the Date of Purchase.
860/9, Luangpang rd., Tubyao, Ladkrabang, Bangkok, 10250, Thailand
02-050-9997 (Office)
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Email: [email protected] (inquiry)
(+66) 94-440-9900 (business)
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